Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Cluster Expansion and "Connected" Cumulants

Something that has been bothering me for a long time is the diagrammatic connection between moments and the connected moments. Or the moments of a distribution and the cumulants:

\langle x \rangle \sim \langle x \rangle_c

The simplest way to deal with this is to write the moment generating function and cumulant generating function in a Taylor series. For the moment generating function, or should I say characteristic function we have:

\phi(k) &=& \int P(x) e^{ikx}dx \\
&=& \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{(-ik)^n}{n!}\langle x^n \rangle

and for the cumulant generating function:

\psi(k) &=& \log \phi(k) \\
&=&  \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{(-ik)^n}{n!}\langle x^n \rangle_c

Equating these two expressions, we have

\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{(-ik)^n}{n!}\langle x \rangle &=& e^{\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{(-ik)^n}{n!}\langle x^n \rangle_c}

The sum in the exponential on the right hand side is really just a product, which I can write as:

\sum_{m=0}^\infty \frac{(-ik)^m}{m!}\langle x^m \rangle &=& \prod_{n=1}^\infty \left( e^{\frac{(-ik)^n}{n!}\langle x^n \rangle_c }\right) \\
&=&\prod_{n=1}^\infty  \left( \sum_p \frac{(-ik)^{np}}{p!(n!)^p}\langle x^n \rangle_c^p \right)

So this is an interesting comparison. Since both expansions rely on certain powers -- or should I say a certain number of derivatives -- of $k$. If we equate the two sides under the condition

\sum p n = m

where, $p$ is different for every $n$, so we had better write:

\sum p_n n = m

we get:

\langle x^m \rangle &=& \sum_{\lbrace p_n \rbrace}m! \prod_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{p_n! (n!)^{p_n}}\langle x^n \rangle_c^{p_n}

Where we sum over the set $p_n \epsilon \lbrace p \rbrace $ that satisfies $\sum p_n n = m$. Kardar says that this combinatoric factor is just the number of ways we can break up $m$ objects into $p_n$ clusters, each of $n$ components. When you think about it, this works. Take four points and split them into one cluster of two points, $p_2=1$ and two ``clusters'' of one point, $p_1=2$. We satisfy $\sum p_n n = m$ since $p_2+p_1=4$. Now, the points, as a whole, can be ordered in $4!$ ways, but once we bunch them into 1 cluster of $2$ points, we find that those remaining two points are indistinguishable ``inside the cluster''. So we get a combinatoric factor of 6. Similarly, there are 3 ways of breaking four points into two clusters of two points, one way of breaking four points into four clusters of four points, one way of breaking four points into one cluster of four points, etc.

You could go on and on like this until your head falls off. But this finally makes explicit -- and, kind of intuitive -- the connection between cumulants and moments.

So, the question becomes, \textbf{why define cumulants anyway}? \textbf{What are their properties}? One of the things I've learned is that cumulants add under convolution, so when we add two random variables, and thereby convolve their probability densities, we get a multipliciation of the characteristic functions (by the convolution theorem). And this means that

P(z=x_1+x_2) &=& P(x_1) \star P(x_2) = \int P(\tau)P(z-\tau)d \tau  \\
\phi(k_1,k_2) &=& \phi(k_1)\phi(k_2) = e^{\psi(k_1)+\psi(k_2)}

So cumulants, as I'm beginning to learn in Thermodynamics are \textbf{extensive}. The cumulant generating function itself is \textbf{extensive}. Just like the partition function $Z$ is \textbf{extensive}. This extensivity property has very deep implications because when we take the average of a sum of independently identically distributed random variables:

Z &=& \frac{x_1+x_2+\dots x_N}{N}

The cumulant generating function of that sum goes like the sum as well:

\psi(k) &=& \sum_{i=1}^N \psi_i(k)

and therefore, the variance of the mean is not extensive but inversely extensive, as many many mathematicians know because of the law of large numbers:

\sigma^2_{x_1+x_2+\dots} &=& N \sigma_{x} \\
\sigma^2_Z &=& \frac{\sigma^2}{N}

Higher order cumulants, as $N$ gets large will vanish even faster:

\langle Z^n \rangle_c \sim \frac{1}{N^{n-1}}

And this is another way to prove the the law of large numbers. All higher order cumulants will diminish faster than $\frac{1}{N}$, so the leading order contribution comes from variance. This convergence of averages is a very powerful tool in Statistical mechanics, where $N$ is absurdly large, like $10^{23}$.


The central limit theorem, I am still convinced, relies on something else, which is the boundedness above of the characteristic function $\phi(k)$ by unity. Under many many multiplications, this multivariate $\phi(k)$ collapses about the origin, and one is well justified in Taylor expanding in $k$ only to second order, which is, a Gaussian.


Now back to this cluster expansion. This formula, the combinatoric factor for breaking $m$ balls into $p_n$ clusters of $n$ constituents is a very important concept, because it is, in the multivariate case, what underlies Wick's theorem in field theory. Field Theory is so heavily based on Gaussian statistics because all free fields have Gaussian properties, so it is often easy to forget how to generally break down a multi-variate cumulant, but the key lies in this cluster expansion.

Let's see if we can do the cluster expansion in the multi-variate case. The characteristic function can be expanded as

\phi(\vec{k}) &=& \sum_{m=0}^\infty \frac{(-i)^m}{m!} \prod_{i=1}^N \left(k_i^{m_i}\right)\langle x_1^{m_1}x_2^{m_2}\dots x_N^{m_N} \rangle

equating this with the cumulant generating function, we get something quite nasty:

\phi(\vec{k}) &=& \prod_{n=1}^\infty \left(\sum_{p_n=0}^\infty \frac{(-i)^{np_n}}{(n!)^{p_n}p_n!} \left(\prod_{i=1}^N k_i^{n_i}\right)^{p_n} \langle x_1^{n_1}x_2^{n_2}\dots x_N^{n_N} \rangle_c \right)

Equating like powers of $k_1,k_2,k_3,\dots$ separately, I get the condition

\sum_n p_n n_i &=& m_i \ \forall i \epsilon [1,N] \\
\sum_n p_n n &=& m

Which is equivalent of saying, in each expectation value, we require the same total number of random variables and the same number of each type of random variable $x_i$. The combinatoric factors in this case might be tricky, since we are equating:

\sum_{m=0}^\infty \frac{(-i)^m}{m!} \prod_{i=1}^N \left(k_i^{m_i}\right)\langle x_1^{m_1}x_2^{m_2}\dots x_N^{m_N} \rangle &=& \prod_{n=1}^\infty \left(\sum_{p_n=0}^\infty \frac{(-i)^{np_n}}{(n!)^{p_n}p_n!} \left(\prod_{i=1}^N k_i^{n_i}\right)^{p_n} \langle x_1^{n_1}x_2^{n_2}\dots x_N^{n_N} \rangle_c^{p_n} \right)

When we look at the requirement $\sum_i n_i = n$, we realize that there are $\frac{n!}{n_1! n_2! \cdots n_N!}$ ways -- a multinomial combinatoric -- to do this. So each term on the right should be weighted by this factor:

\langle x_1^{m_1}x_2^{m_2}\dots x_N^{m_N} \rangle &=& \sum_{\lbrace p \rbrace} m! \prod_{n=1}^\infty \left(\frac{1}{(n!)^{p_n}p_n!} \left(\frac{n!}{n_1! n_2! \cdots n_N!} \right) \langle x_1^{n_1}x_2^{n_2}\dots x_N^{n_N} \rangle_c^{p_n} \right)

This is an intimidating formula, and may not be correct. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Poisson and the Memoryless Process

On a statistical mechanics problem set this week, we were asked to ``backwards'' derive the Poisson distribution from a statement like this:

"You notice that, as you're riding high above the ground in airplane, the probability for there to be no cars on some stretch of road -- say, the length x -- to be $e^{-ax}$. From this observation, can you express the likelihood of observing exactly $n$ cars in a length of highway $z$?"

This is a very tricky question. But we should start by looking at our first piece of information in view of the Poisson distribution

P(n) &=& \frac{\lambda^n}{n!}e^{-\lambda}

$\lambda$ is the mean number of occurrences of some event, for some fixed interval. We see that if we set $n=0$ we get the original part of our statement:

P(0) &=&e^{-\lambda}

This is the probability of observing zero ``events'' within some fixed interval. (Which, in our case is length. But this could easily be time or energy or whatnot.) It's worth noting that, if we write $\lambda=ax$, we can see that this is just the cumulative Probability of an exponential distribution:

P(x \ge X) &=& \int_X^\infty ae^{-ax}dx=e^{-aX}

Which is a ``memory-less'', distribution. What does that mean? I like to think about the exponential distribution in terms of waiting for a train at the train station. If you've already been waiting 10 minutes, and you ask yourself, ``what's the probability that I won't see a train for another 5 minutes''? Mathematically this means

P(t \ge X+Y \vert t \ge Y) &=& P(t \ge X)

Where $X$ is five minutes and $Y$ is the original 10 minutes. For $X$ and $Y$ treated as random variables, this means that we have conditional dependence between $X$ and $Y$, or, the doesn't care that you've already been waiting 10 minutes, the expectation of arrival is ubiquitous in time.

Now that's all very entertaining, but how does this relate to Poisson? Not seeing a train arrive in time interval $t$ is the same as not seeing a car on the highway over some interval $x$, and, to be exhaustingly pedantic, is the same as not seeing a quantum energy level in some band $\Delta E$. What about the probability of seeing exactly $n$ such events in said ``width''?

The first thing we need to do is define, a new variable, which I'll call $t_n$, which is the sum of $n$ people's waiting time for a train:

t_n &=& t_1+t_2+\dots t_n

The probability distribution on $t_n$ is just a convolution of the independently, identically distributed variables,

P(t_n) &=& \frac{a^n t_n^{n-1}}{(n-1)!}e^{-at_n}

Now, this almost looks Poisson, but not quite. What if we looked at the cumulative distribution of such a variable; say, of the probability that the sum of $n+1$-people's waiting times adds up to something greater than $x$?

P(t_{n+1} \ge x) &=& \int_x^\infty \frac{a^{n+1} t_n^{n}}{(n)!}e^{-at_n} dt_n \\
&=& \frac{(ax)^n}{n!}e^{-ax}+\int_x^\infty \frac{a^n t_n^{n-1}}{(n-1)!}e^{-at_n}
We see that the second term looks like the cumulative probability of $n$-peoples waiting times add up to something greater than $x$. And so we take the difference:

P(t_{n+1} \ge x)  &=& \frac{(ax)^n}{n!}e^{-ax} +P(t_{n} \ge x) \\
P(t_{n+1} \ge x) -P(t_{n} \ge x) &=& \frac{(ax)^n}{n!}e^{-ax}

and get Poisson! So the Poisson distribution can be thought of as the probability that the sum of exactly $n$ waiting times  at a train station adds up to some total $x$. In this case, $x$ is our width, be it along a highway, energy spectrum, or time, and $n$ is the number of successes, or events, or train arrivals.

Or, perhaps, in a common -- and quite close to the heart example -- baby births.


Note, it is important to remember that the mean of the exponential distribution is $\langle x \rangle=a^{-1}$, so $\lambda$ should really be written:

P(n) &=& \frac{(t_n/\mu)^n}{n!}e^{-\frac{t_n}{\mu}}

Where $\mu$ is the average``waiting time'' for each independently distributed member, $t$.